Now, it's time for me to take what I learned from individual coaching a step further and bring in the power of an online community.
I've had great experiences with this before.
In 2017, I guided a group of over 100 people through a 30-day decluttering process, using a private Facebook group.
The results of this were amazing:
People not only posted pictures of the many items they had decided to donate, many also experienced other breakthroughs, such as the joy of unexpected, wonderful family interactions or the relief of letting go of bad relationships.
All of this happened within a mere month.
In 2019, I started offering monthly self-promotional challenges for coaches. Here are some of the results people reported from this:
"On Medium my post reach went up 177%, engagements 187% and new page likes 300% - all in a month!"
"...I had gotten out of the habit of being consistent in posting and sharing and it was showing in my engagement... This challenge reset and reboosted my focus."
"- I started my FB page,
- I gained 84 followers within the first two weeks (I know it's not a lot, but I am excited since some are not from my network),
- I got the motivation to write again - three articles in the works!
- I recorded my first video,
- I got to know you better and read loads of interesting content,
- I resuscitated my Twitter and Instagram I haven't used since 2015."
Again, all of this happened within a mere month.
Now, the community I'm creating this time? It will be ongoing. This means that you can continue to receive the support of a community for as long as you want.
How motivating would it be for you to receive ongoing accountability and support, all while being with like-minded people?