Work You Love Coaching

Work You Love Coaching ⭐

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it."--Martha Graham

Hi there, thank you so much for being interested in my coaching package!

The description on this page will be deep. It will talk about things that are very special to you, and the journey you have to take to get there.

So, instead of sharing a polished picture of me, I thought I would share one that I took in the most special and beautiful place I have ever seen: inside the magma chamber of a volcano. But first, here's a picture of the journey it took to get there:

What you cannot see on this picture is how cold and rainy it was, and how tired and hungry I felt while we went for this hike. It was the last day of a very busy trip to Iceland, we hadn't had time for lunch, and I was wishing I could be back in a warm hotel room, finally getting some rest.

Well, about an hour later, I felt very, very different: I was so glad I had completed the journey. My tiredness and hunger were forgotten. All I felt was joy and awe.

Of course, this picture doesn't do the experience justice. But if you look at my face, you can notice just how happy I am to have made it there. It's truly an experience I will remember for the rest of my life!

Why am I sharing this? Because that's how I want you to feel when you reach your destination on this Joyful Work Journey! Not only that, but I also want to help you make the journey to get there a lot more comfortable.

But before we talk about where you want to go, let's talk about where you currently are.

Right now, you might:

a) be drowning in duties, tasks, and responsibilities… with sharks circling you and not a single lifeguard on duty,

b) hate your job that is sucking your soul (and all passion) out of you, like some capitalist vampire from hell,

c) still not do the thing you have thought about doing for years and years… to the extent where you wonder if you will die with your music still inside you, or

d) all of the above.

This is your starting point.

So, let's talk about your destination: where do you want to go from here?

What you really want might be:

a) to get from drowning to dry land: you want to get on top of things so you can finally catch your breath (and maybe even catch up on sleep),

b) to feel the sun on your face, the love in your heart, and the joy in your soul: you want to do work you love to do that makes a positive difference in the world,

c) to finally set sail: you want to do THE THING you have been thinking about doing forever, or

d) all of the above.

Great! Now that we have your current location and your destination, we can discuss how you can get to where you want to go. Introducing: the Joyful Work Journey!

What is the Joyful Work Journey?

Your current location is likely the result of toxic productivity.

Our global culture is steeped in the harmful belief that our worth depends on our productivity and that work has to be hard. As a result, most of us have never learned how to do work we love and be productive in a way that makes us feel good. This also stops us from taking bold action (what if we fail?).

After coaching hundreds of clients on work-related issues, I had an epiphany: Not all work is created equal! In fact, we can differentiate between toxic work and productivity (a lot of traditional productivity advice falls in this category) and what I call joyful work/soulful productivity.

Toxic work is when you take action

  • on the wrong thing,
  • for the wrong reason, or
  • in the wrong way.

Joyful work is when you do

  • the right thing,
  • for the right reason, and
  • in the right way.

Toxic work takes energy. Joyful work gives you energy.

That's also why it feels so much better to finally do the thing you have been thinking about forever. If you have been wanting to do something for so long, it's probably a deep-seated desire for you—a soul desire. Having joyful work is most likely a soul desire of yours... you want to use your unique gifts and talents, and do the work you came here to do!

However, there's one problem with soul desire's: it's very easy to procrastinate on them!

I call this form of procrastination soul purpose procrastination (or big procrastination) And it's very different from small, everyday procrastination (such as not wanting to do your taxes).

While small procrastination can often be solved through more traditional approaches (time management, etc.), soul purpose procrastination requires a different approach.


Soul purpose procrastination

So, shall we explore why you haven't yet taken as much action as you would like on your soul desire? Perhaps you have been beating yourself up for your lack of action, and wondering if there's something wrong with you.

Well, it turns out that there's a good reason for your procrastination (and it has nothing to do with your willpower or abilities!).

The core reason why you procrastinate on your dreams:

While there are many contributors to big procrastination, one of its main causes is fear. You see, when it comes to our dreams, we often experience a push-pull: we both really want it—and we are deeply afraid of getting it.

Here’s the thing: this fear is an integral part of your dreams. You cannot have a big dream without fear—the fear is an indication of how important something is to you. Because you want your big goals so much, the stakes are a lot higher: what if it doesn’t work out? What if it does work out?

If you wonder why it’s often so much easier to take action on something you don’t care that much about, this is why: your fear isn’t holding you back because it doesn’t matter that much to you.

It’s similar to asking someone out for a date that you kinda like… versus asking the person you have secretly been in love with for the last decade. Obviously, the latter would feel much more nerve-wrecking.

This is exacerbated by something that I call the all-or-nothing dilemma. Often, people think that they need to go all in and take huge leaps... or they won't make any progress. Nothing could be further from the true!

Thinking too big and aiming for huge leaps tends to increase fear (and therefore procrastination). It also takes a surprisingly long time to integrate a big change.

Small frequent steps are a more effective (and enjoyable) way to create change. As someone who took a huge leap of faith to have work I love, I can tell you that this approach doesn't work as well as one might think.

To solve big procrastination, you have to deal with the underlying fear, and thinking you have to take huge leaps of faith further increases that fear.

What will probably happen if you don’t address the root cause:

If you don’t address the underlying fear, you will probably continue to procrastinate on your dreams. One day, you might realize that 5 years have passed, without you getting any closer to your big goals.

However, if you deal with the underlying fear, you might surprise yourself with how quickly you make progress on your dreams. One day, you might realize that 5 years have passed… and you feel proud of how far you have come in that time!

Here’s how to overcome soul procrastination:

Overcoming soul purpose procrastination is a multistep process:
  1. Clarity & commitment: To begin the process, you need to get clear on what exactly you want—and commit to it.

  2. Inner work: Then, you need to address the fear that comes up when you think about your goal. Doing the necessary inner work will reduce the internal resistance, which makes it easier for you to take external action.

  3. Outer work: You need to take small, consistent steps towards your goal. Taking smaller steps is actually more sustainable than aiming for big leaps. And because they don’t activate your fear as much, they might even help you get to your destination faster!
Here's how I can support you on your journey.

How I support you along the way

The Joyful Work Journey is, at its heart, a hero's journey. And, well, every hero has a wizard or mentor who helps them on their quest (for instance, Merlin/Gandalf/Yoda). That's basically what I do for my clients.

For instance, by helping you:   

  • get clarity about which path is right for you,

  • be kind and compassionate towards yourself,

  • take action and get things done in aligned and joyful ways,

  • find the courage to do things that scare you, and

  • develop more confidence in yourself, and

  • call down lightning from the heavens to smite your enemies (just kidding… the only lightning we'll call down is your passion and purpose, which is also pretty electrifying but much more constructive).

If you want to see what this can look like, check out the changes my clients have made and what they say about working with me.

How the magic happens: your true north

My approach is based on 3 powerful principles that help us find your true north:


  1. Know Thyself
  2. Key Desires & Priorities
  3. Joyful Growth

In other words, it's based on who/what/how:

  1. who you really are, 
  2. what you most want, and
  3. how to get there in joyful ways.

Ready to find out how we can work together to get you to where you want to go?

The details for how we can work together

To help you move from painful to purposeful work, I create a strong coaching container for you. You can think of me as your travel guide! Instead of having to go through all these changes on your own, I will support you all along the way (and warn you if there's a pothole ahead)!

We will meet 2-3 times every month for a full hour to get clear on your next steps and how you can deal with obstacles. In between our meetings, I am available for you via owl (I mean, email…) and for short laser calls, when needed.
Here's what's included:
  • 2 or 3 (depending on the package) 60-minute sessions each month. On this call, we can clarify your next steps, resolve internal blocks, and prepare you for taking action.

  • Action Plan Summary emailed to you within 24 hours of our session, as well as an (Optional) Check-In Form before our session for added accountability. This will make it easier for you to follow through on the things you want to do.

  • Batphone Access (as needed): occasional 10-minute laser calls are available for you between our meetings if needed. Knowing that I'm available for you will help you bravely face those dragons!

  • Email Support (as needed). If something urgent comes up (fireballs???) or you have a complicated situation you want to get feedback on, you don't have to wait until our next meeting. Email me, and I will give you my written response.

  • Access to a range of additional resources, as needed.
You will see the best results if you stick with this for at least 3-6 months. We will decide together on the perfect length of our coaching container, and treat the first months as a trial month.

I am offering 2 different options for you so you can decide which one works better for your situation and preferences:

Monthly payment (2 sessions/month)


Monthly payment (3 sessions/month)


Like what you're reading? Let's get started!

Before we decide if we want to go on a journey together, let's get to know each other! Please fill out the form below and tell me a bit about your situation.

If you could benefit from my coaching offer, I'll gift you a 90-Minute Clarity Call and Life Purpose Assessment. Otherwise, I will do my best to direct you to other helpful resources.

Sounds good? I look forward to hearing from you!

Please tell me about yourself

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