From Overwhelmed to On-Top-of-Things

Text-based Coaching: From Overwhelmed to On-Top-of-Things

Do you want to make a difference, but struggle with getting it all done?

You know how it is: you're exhausted! Perhaps a lot of people rely on you and you don’t want to let them down. You want to feel good about what you do but it's so hard when you feel like you're running around in circles and constantly putting out fires.

All you want is to take a vacation. That, and to save the world.

If you want to feel better about your work and have more time for what really matters to you, please read on:

Why you are so overwhelmed:

You are probably experiencing a negative feedback loop between procrastination and overwhelm. When people feel overwhelmed, they tend to procrastinate. That procrastination, in turn, increases the sense of overwhelm.

You can break this negative feedback loop by decreasing your sense of overwhelm. After coaching hundreds of people, I have found there is a common cause of overwhelm: People often feel overwhelmed because they are lacking priorities.

Without priorities, everything feels important, which makes it hard to start and complete any of the tasks on one's to-do list.

The difference between a priority and everything else you could do is comparable to triage in case of an accident: dealing with injured people can be very stressful. That's why it's crucial that everyone focuses their efforts on the most important things. Medical personnel will make sure that an injured person stays alive (priority) but they probably won't worry too much about cosmetic damage to their patient’s nose (not a priority).

While it's harder to identify priorities in our everyday life, the same principle holds true. Not all tasks you think you should do are created equally: some can make a huge positive difference in your life (priorities) while many others won’t move the needle much (to-dos).

But when you are overwhelmed, you are in a state of stress, and that makes it harder to determine what category tasks fall into.

What will likely happen if you don't heal the root causes:

If you don’t deal with the underlying causes, here's what will likely happen: your sense of overwhelm will keep on getting worse. As more tasks pile up, you will try to do more, which gets you more stressed, which makes it harder to focus. You will likely stay in this downward spiral until you get competent help, learn to address the underlying causes on your own, or something changes in your external circumstances.

If your sense of overwhelm is caused by a lack of priorities, even changing your job to a much less stressful one might not completely erase the problem. Because we live in a time when almost everyone has too many things they could do, learning to prioritize is a crucial life skill for the 21st century.

How to heal the root causes and what to expect if you do:

To solve the issue you are facing, you need to learn how to differentiate between priorities and to-dos, and then follow through on completing your priorities. You also need to set appropriate boundaries with other people so you can stay focused on your goals. Lastly, having too much to do has likely left you tired and drained, so you will also need to learn how to rest and recover.

Once you address these underlying causes, you can start to reduce your pile of undone tasks, and in the process create more time and energy for what really matter to you in all areas of life. Instead of just putting our fires, you can start to work on creating the life of your dreams—your ability to prioritize will help you with that.

In other words, your life can get a lot better!

If you would like my help with this process, please read on:

How I can help you get from overwhelmed to on-top-of-things:

I have been a coach since 2016 and I have been helping people (like Camilla and Deb) through text-based coaching since 2018.

Here's why I got started with this form of coaching:

How does this work?

This form of coaching is entirely text-based so it doesn't matter where in the world you are located. Simply send me a message when you have the time, and I will reply within my work hours.

We will connect via Signal which is a free, privacy-focused app that you download here. If you like, you can use this both on your phone (helpful on the go) and desktop (helpful if you are writing longer messages).

Unsure if this is a good fit for you?
Text-based coaching is great for changes on the habit level. It's super-convenient because you can just write to me whenever it works best for you. 

You can find testimonials from my text-based coaching clients below. 

For making deep changes, phone-based coaching is often a better choice. You can read more about my phone-based coaching packages here. Some of my clients like to start out with text-based coaching and after a few weeks, switch to phone-based coaching.

If you want to have my recommendation on what's a better fit for you, you can book a free Discovery session with me or send me a message on Signal.

My text-based coaching also comes with a money-back guarantee. Please contact me within the first 3 coaching days if you would like a refund (PayPal no longer refunds their 2.9% fee on returns).

This coaching package includes:
✅ outside accountability,
✅ regular check-ins and support (I'm available Monday-Friday),
✅ links to additional resources as needed, and
✅ cancel anytime before your next payment.


How do I get started? 
  • Set up a recurring subscription on PayPal. This subscription will repeat weekly until you cancel. 
  • Each payment gives you 5 days of coaching (Monday-Friday). If you sign up on a Thursday, you will receive coaching on Thursday and Friday, as well as Monday-Wednesday of the following week. If you sign up on Saturday or Sunday, you will receive coaching from Monday-Friday.
  • After you make your payment, please fill out my form for new coaching clients here.
  • When you are done filling out the form, please send me a brief message on Signal here to let me know that you are ready to get started. If you sign up on the weekend or after 4pm EST, I will get back to you on the next workday.

If you would like to hear more about my text-based coaching approach, check out this short video where I reveal why you should ignore your to-do list and what to focus on instead. 


Here are some testimonials from people who have hired me for text-based coaching.

I recently decided to go by my middle name "Louise" instead of "Bere/Berenike." These testimonials predate my name change.

Feedback for some of my previous offers:

"...Not to mention the expert facilitation of Bere Schriewer. If you don't know Bere yet, you will be amazed."

Tony Stubblebine,
Founder of,
CEO of Medium
"...It really appreciate your time and dedication to your group! It was great meeting you and learning from you..."
"...I truly appreciate your support and willingness to help all of us to reach our leadership goals..."
"...Thank you for leading me through this amazing transformation. My life quality has improved and I feel more empowered to change the world..."

"On Medium my post reach went up 177%, engagements 187% and new page likes 300% - all in a month!"

"...I had gotten out of the habit of being consistent in posting and sharing and it was showing in my engagement... This challenge reset and reboosted my focus."

"- I started my FB page,
- I gained 84 followers within the first two weeks (I know it's not a lot, but I am excited since some are not from my network),
- I got the motivation to write again - three articles in the works!
- I recorded my first video,
- I got to know you better and read loads of interesting content,
- I resuscitated my Twitter and Instagram I haven't used since 2015."

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