Blog Post

What French Can Teach You About the Hidden Power of Silence

December 7, 2022
French Eiffel Tower in Paris

“Why are there all these letters at the end you don’t pronounce? It's kind of a waste, isn’t it?” 

That was my husband’s joking hot take on the French language: it’s inefficient. (It was also the latest installment in our ongoing series: “tell me you’re American without telling me your American” — but that’s a topic for another day.)

I’m not sure what exactly inspired my German self to rise up and defend my French siblings against charges of inefficiency… but rise up I did: “At least with French you know how to pronounce things. With English, pronunciation is a total mess.” 

My husband's unexpected response: “I totally agree with you.” (Ahhh, right there we have it, the most beautiful sentence in any language known to humankind.)

What can we learn from silent letters?

It took me another day to realize the powerful lesson lurking amidst all those “useless” silent letters in French: 

Silence isn’t useless. So much of life is made up of silence, either literal or metaphorical.

Without moments of silence, you cannot have a rhythm. Without silence, it’s not music, it’s just noise. 

If you cannot be silent with someone, you cannot be with them in a deeply meaningful way. Our ability to be with someone in silence is a litmus test for the relationship with have with them. 

Silence is connected to the virtue of patience and right timing. It helps us to reflect and gain wisdom.

When we cannot bear to be alone with ourselves, we miss out on so much. (That’s today’s installment in our ongoing series of “tell me you’re an introvert without telling me you’re an introvert”. But let’s get back to our topic at hand.)

Unlock the power of silence

If you have ever been around a crying baby, you know that silence is the most beautiful sound in the entire universe.

No “Ode to Joy,” no “Requiem” and no “Brandenburg Concerto” can hold a candle to the sound of silence.

Silence isn’t inefficient at all. During times of great tragedy, words might fail us. A moment of silence can console an entire crowd. 

However, silence has a broader application. It can help us decide what to do. 

You don’t have to believe me. Today, before you take an action, give yourself the gift of silence, give yourself une minute de silence. 

How did it go?

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