79. Watch LESS shows, news & movies
Limit your consumption of shows, news and movies. Generally, watching something on TV (or Netflix etc.) is a form of passive consumption. Since your passion requires active creation, you will need to be in a different state of mind to access it.
Plus, by spending less time passively consuming something, you will have more time to explore what interests you.
80. Start a READING DIET
This is another idea from Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way.” For a week, read as little as possible. Chances are that you will have to read something for work. However, even reducing your non-essential reading can give you more space and energy to make the switch from consumer to creator.
81. Get clear about WHAT you don’t like
Sometimes it is much easier to get clear about what you don’t like than about what you do. Use this to your advantage by creating a list of what you really don’t like—and then find a way to bring the opposite into your professional live. For instance, if you dislike sitting by yourself in a cubicle, find a way to interact with people.
82. Get clear about WHOM you don’t like
A part of the journey of finding your passion includes discovering who you want to serve, who you want to surround yourself with, and who you want to support you in creating what you wish to create.
It can be hard to live your passion if you are surrounded with a lot of toxic people. The antidote to that is to figure out what your red flags are (for customers/clients, co-workers/partners, supporters) and to stay away from these people.