Blog Post

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed? These 5 Principles Can Help. 

September 17, 2019

You're feeling overwhelmed. Let's recap for a moment. How did you get there?

You might be carrying a lot of family responsibility or work pressure n your shoulders. Perhaps a lot of people rely on you and you really don't want to let them down.

Maybe attempting to meet all the demands and expectations placed on you takes up all of your time, leaving you drained and stressed on a regular basis.

You might wonder if there is a way out of this.

Perhaps you are close to giving up hope that you can have the life you want to have, a life where you can continue to deliver in your work while taking good care of yourself and your loved ones.

You might have tried a lot of different things to get out of this place.

If you're responding to overwhelm like many other people, you might have tried changes on the behavioral level (such as time management). You also may have tried to shift your mindset, for instance by being more positive about the situation.

Perhaps you have sought out advice and support from people around you or from experts (such as life coaches or therapists).

Maybe you have tried to educate yourself on the issues you’re facing---or you might have simply decided that you need to ignore what you're feeling and soldier through.

Why haven't you gotten the desired results from these efforts?

It's because these efforts began at the periphery of change, not at the center.

And the center of any change is you.

By getting clearer on who you really are and what you want and need, change can happen relatively effortlessly, from the inside out.

With increased clarity about yourself, it becomes easier to say no to things that are not on course for you. This, in turn, frees up time and energy to focus on what you most care about.

There are a few fundamental principles which are at the heart of what needs to happen to make this shift.

By learning, living and integrating the following 5 principles, you can gradually stop feeling overwhelmed.

1. Compassionate self-understanding
In our culture, we are typically taught to be hard on ourselves. Compassionate self-understanding unravels that harsh conditioning and reveals your authentic truth.

2. Priorities in life

Today, many people have more freedom than at any other time in history. However, if the number of options are overwhelming, freedom of choice turns into a prison. True freedom comes from being clear on your priorities in life.

3. Commitment to change
Throughout most of humanity’s existence, change signified danger. As a result, we still have a natural preference to maintain an unpalatable status quo----something that mere motivation often can’t overcome. That’s why deep change generally requires true commitment.

4. A healthy relationship with fear
Change often brings up fear. Because our culture sees fear as an enemy, it creates a dysfunctional relationship with this generally helpful mechanism. Without a healthy relationship with fear, the change process can feel like you’re fighting windmills.

5. Support network
Humans are social creatures and want to belong. Because this sense of belonging can feel threatened when you’re in a change process, it's really hard to go through this all by yourself. A support network is a valuable asset in this process.

Next steps:

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 If you would like to get support on your path and think that I might be able to help, I invite you to check out my services here

A couple of years ago, I was a high-paid attorney working on multi-billion and million dollar cases, qualified for judicial office, and about to complete my PhD from the world's oldest university institute in international law. After a long internal struggle, I decided to move from my native Germany to the US for the love of my life, and left my previous career to build my own business.

I have been interested in helping people deal with their challenges ever since I was a teenager who volunteered on an award-winning crisis phone line. Today, I help my coaching clients step more fully into their authentic leadership, create positive change in their lives and connect with their passion. I also offer business consulting services to the CEOs of small companies.

I am excited about this work because personal growth has one of the highest return on investment I can imagine. I love seeing how the changes my clients make not only benefit their lives---but also the lives of those around them, including their families, friends and employees.

You can find out more about my story here

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