You might be wondering about how to get rid of fear. After all, in my last prompt I encouraged you to follow your own path by pursuing goals that both excites and scares you. Let's take a look at how to deal with fear.
So, let’s say you’ve identified what you really want.
And, let’s say that emotionally, you’re finding yourself in a place similar to my client Andy (not his real name) when he decided he would finally start promoting his new business.
In other words, you really, really want to go for your goal—and you feel an equally compelling urge to hide underneath the sofa.
Have you ever experienced these contradictory feelings at the same time?
Based on my observation, it’s very common that people are scared by what they most want.
The first thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t listen to culture. Repeat: do not listen to culture!
Basically, our culture only gives us two bad options for dealing with fear:
Option №1: You valiantly start fighting your fear
(depicted below)
→ Result: your fear gets stronger! ❌
Option №2: You not-so-valiantly decide to hide underneath the sofa
(depicted below)
→ Result: your floor gets an unintentional cleaning — but nothing else improves in your life. ❌
And because our culture likes the whole Don Quixote/tilting at windmill’s approach, it advises you to pick Option №1.
Which would be great—if it actually worked.
Let’s take a look at…
What’s the evolutionary purpose of fear?
It’s to keep you safe from harm. Your fear doesn’t want you to get eaten by a saber-tooth tiger (or by any other predators, for that matter).
So, how would your fear be able to keep you safe if you could shut it up easily?
Cave-You casually strolls through the woods, collecting local, organic and
gluten-free blueberries from the bushes. (Millennia before organic food became a thing. Go Cave-You, little trendsetter!)
Suddenly, some twigs (or trees?) snap.
Fear: “Be careful! This might be a saber-tooth tiger.”
Cave-You: “Shut up, fear!”
Fear: “Oh, okay.”
<five minutes later>
Cave-You gets mauled by a hungry saber-tooth tiger.
Fear: “I told you so…”
In other words, if fear were less persistent, it couldn’t do its job! And, the job of fear is super-important.
Let’s face it: Without fear, we most likely wouldn’t be here. Our ancestors would have gotten themselves killed by doing something they
shouldn’t have been doing.
In other words, we don’t get to tell fear to shut up!
Despite all that fear has done for us by helping humanity survive,…
For instance, check out the following quotes:
So, the moral of the story:
What are we doing when we are trying to get rid of our fear (fight it) or just let it push us around (flee it)?
We’re treating our fear, our very own in-built survival system, as an enemy. That’s right, as an enemy. (We typically don’t fight or flee our friends, do we?)
When I put it that way, doesn’t that sound kind of… crazy?
So, what would be a better way of handling fear?
Well, how about treating it like an adviser instead? You don’t need to follow all the suggestions an adviser has for you — but it would probably be smart to at least hear that person out, wouldn’t it?
The same is true for your fear.
In many cases, your fears actually have some basis in reality. For instance, my client who was scared of promoting his business had the fear that he might be judged. That's a reasonable fear because when more people see your work, you will not only receive more positive feedback but also more criticism.
Of course, that doesn't mean that my client shouldn't promote his business, it just means that he should be prepared for being criticized so that he doesn't get derailed when that happens.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to actually be aware of the worst-case scenario, so that you can make a plan to deal with it?
Once you do that, your fear will shut up and actually let you get to work.
Here’s how that might look like:
Suddenly, some twigs (or trees?) snap.
Fear: “Be careful! This might be a saber-tooth tiger.”
Cave-You: “Oh! Not good.”
Cave-You: “So, what should I do?”
Fear: “RUN!”
Fear: “FASTER!!!”
<five minutes later>
Organic blueberries get mauled by a hungry Cave-You who safely made it back to the cave.
Fear: “I told you so…”
With all that being said, let’s move on to…
Grab a pen and paper. Then, take a moment to go through the following process.
(If you want to get the most out of this or if you're afraid of getting
stuck, get the "Taking Action Worksheets" and begin by filling those
I hope this article (as well as your own experience) has shown to you that it's impossible to fully get rid of fear. However, that doesn't mean that you're stuck feeling afraid.
Instead of treating your fear as an enemy and wondering how to conquer your fear,
treat it as an adviser. That will drastically reduce the fear you feel and help you make better decisions.
The secret: You don't need to make your fear work for you. It already does. You just need to let it.
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