Blog Post

Are You Multi-Passionate & Why Does It Matter?

September 21, 2018
Are you multi-passionate & why does it matter?

Today, I’d like to encourage you to continue exploring if you're a multi-passionate person.

Related to my last article on whether you need to choose between your different passions is a distinction advanced by bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert.

According to the author of Eat, Pray, Love, the world is divided into two people…

Jackhammers and hummingbirds

Jackhammers (or, as Britt Bravo calls them, woodpeckers) are specialists. They pursue their one passion with a single-minded focus. Gilbert is a self-described jackhammer.

Hummingbirds, on the other hand, try different things and end up cross-pollinating the world. Evernote brilliantly describes what their path in life (and their role during dinner parties) looks like:

“Hummingbirds are the kind of people who spend a few years working on Wall Street then leave to write a book only to decide they want to compete in triathlons before ultimately opening up their own hot chocolate shop at the base of a ski resort (side note: hummingbirds make excellent dinner party guests).”

Sounds like someone you know? Maybe… like the person you see in the morning when you look in the mirror?

If so, then let’s move to…

Why this distinction matters

Self-knowledge is power and learning about this distinction can help you understand yourself and your own path better. For instance, MedaCodes writes :

“It wasn’t until I heard Gilbert’s talk (below) that I experienced a shift in mindset, and realized that every single step that I took towards getting to where I am today, was necessary.”

If you happen to be a hummingbird, chasing your passion is the worst advice you could get. Instead, follow your curiosity or, as Gilbert puts it:

“humbly and faithfully continue to follow the trail of the hummingbird path.”

According to Gilbert,

“if you can let go of ‘passion’ and follow your curiosity, your curiosity just might lead you to your passion.”

With all that being said, let’s move on to…

Taking action

Grab a pen and paper. 📝Then, take a moment to go through the following process.

(If you want to get the most out of this or if you're afraid of getting stuck, get the "Taking Action Worksheets" and begin by filling those out.)

  • What are some things that you feel curious about?
    This might be a somewhat eclectic list. For instance: "I feel curious about integral theory. I feel curious about Podcasting. I feel curious about Hebrew. I feel curious about facilitation."

  • Pick one thing from your list that you'd like to explore this week
    For instance: "Hebrew! I've explored that for a bit but I would love to learn a bit more."

  • How can you explore this?
    Make sure that this is something easy and simple. For instance: "I can watch a few videos on YouTube."

  • Decide when you will do this and schedule some time in your calendar
    For instance: "I can do this tonight."

  • Write down any insights you get from this
    For instance: "Hmm, I had a lot of fun doing this and it somehow helped me come up with new ideas for my current writing project. I'd like to do this again."

The idea💡

If you are a hummingbird (a.k.a. a multi-passionate person), let go of the need to find your passion. Instead, pay attention to what excites you. Trust your own path, ask yourself what you feel drawn to and follow your curiosity.

Stay in touch:

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