Here's a question I often hear from clients when they first start, say, blogging about their passion: “I feel really excited about this. But, what if I’m getting criticized by someone? I’m afraid of that happening.”
When they bring up that concern, I like to point out…
So, as long as you also have people who love what you’re creating, criticism can actually be a good thing.
The last thing to keep in mind about criticism is that it’s just part of the game. As Mayo Oshin points out: “Till date, no human being or great piece of work has escaped criticism and hateful comments. For example, one of the most popular self-improvement books of all time, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has accumulated close to 425 negative reviews and comments on Amazon alone (that’s 10% of it’s total reviews!).”
I also like to share with them Brené Brown’s quote about critics: “If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”
(By the way, I never thought about it before, but maybe that would be a great copy-and-paste reply to insulting comments? If you ever try this out, please comment below and tell me how it went. I’d love to know.)
With all that being said, let’s move on to…
Grab a pen and paper. 📝Then, take a moment to go through the following process.
(If you want to get the most out of this or if you're afraid of getting
stuck, get the "Taking Action Worksheets" and begin by filling those
If you are sharing your passion and purpose publicly, consider your relationship to criticism and explore how to deal with criticism in a way that works for you.
Allow yourself to receive constructive feedback from others that can help you become better while disregarding those who only want to discourage you without also putting in the work.
In closing, I’d like to share what Stephen Brewster wrote about getting criticized as an artist. His insights also apply to any other pieces of work: “YOU ARE NOT YOUR ART! You are an artist but your identity is not found in what you make but in who you are becoming.”
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