Blog Post

The Joy of What We Really Want to Do (and Be)

October 17, 2018

If you are aware enough

of your own Self (and if you weren’t, what on Earth would have brought you to my writing?), you might have realized that there are

  • things you want to do, and
  • things you Really.Want.To.Do (RWTD)❕❕❕

For instance, when I first wrote this many years ago, I wanted to watch the next “Sherlock” episode. 📺

But what I Really.Wanted.To.Do back then (and what I still RWTD) is to serve in a way that feels good for me, to help others, to write, and to develop my teachings.

And guess which one has brought up more inner resistance and fear?

Until we have cleared our resistance to expressing what really brings us alive, what genuinely lights up our souls can also be what we most shy away from.

What we are afraid off.

And why?

Because they actually matter to the deepest, truest dimension of ourselves.

Of course, not everything we are afraid is an expression of our deepest essence — but if in the midst of it there is a very, very, very quiet voice that also happens to be deeply connected to your heart, you might be on to something.

Listening to this voice might bring up a deep feeling of vulnerability.

And, unless you have had the luck 🍀 of having been born karma-free and into a society that deeply values the unique contributions you bring into the world (in which case I would ask you to leave a comment with the name of that place so I can relocate…) , how could it not?

There is nothing wrong with you if you question yourself and hesitate.

There is nothing wrong with you if you are sitting on the edge of the cliff, staring into the clear blue water of your own essence, not yet daring to take the jump. 🌊

The key word in the last sentence is yet.

There is a beauty in those moments of trepidation.

And, you already climbed up the entire cliff. 🗻

Call to Action

No, I’m not going to suggest that you’re taking the metaphorical cliff-jump. (I personally think jumping off cliffs, even metaphorical ones, is pretty reckless.)

Instead, and only if you feel called, I invite you to check out my 1-on-1 coaching services.

I can help you the cliff-jump into a leap of faith your reason approves of.

Yes, that’s a tall order. But, isn’t it worth a try?

None of this is for the faint of heart. It isn’t for the ones who easily get discouraged (unless they just as easily regain their courage).

This is for the ones who are ready.

If this is you, check it out here.

Stay in touch:

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I help people find purpose, clarity, and focus.
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