But do you want to know about the most stressful time in my life?
That’s right.
(And yes, you wouldn’t be the first one to question my sanity. But it actually was a calculated risk I took — or what some people call a
Yes Yes Hell No” decision.)
Instead of bringing home a big paycheck, during my time of intense transition
I suddenly was utterly dependent on my ̶b̶o̶y̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d husband (whom I had never even lived on the same continent with previously) for health care and even for my green card.
Speaking of health care, instead of living in the country with the world’s oldest health insurance system
(my native Germany), I suddenly found myself in the US.
(An American acquaintance once said that the US health care system is neither healthy, nor caring, nor a system — and who am I to argue with his assessment?)
While everything turned out fine and I would make the same choice again, both my husband and I are beyond glad that I am past that transitional period.
Typically, when people talk about stress it relates to something they’re doing.
But stress that comes from who we’re becoming is so much more intense.
If we assumed for a moment that insects could experience stress, which experience would be worse?
a bee who’s busily moving from one flower to the other — or being the
caterpillar who’s falling to pieces in preparation of becoming a
I know I’d find it easier to be the bee than the butterfly-in-the-making.
I believe this is not only my subjective experience or preferences.
Case in point: the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory
which measures the susceptibility of a stress-induced health breakdown.
does so by listing life events according to their impact and giving
scores for each. For instance, a change in eating habits gets 15 life
change units. A change to a different line of work gets 36. A marriage
gets 50. And so on and so forth.
Count all of them together for
the previous year and we get a rough estimate for how stress might be
affecting our health. According to this scale, a score underneath 150
points correlates with only a slight risk of illness.
If I count together all the different life events that happened during my transitional year, my score was well over 300. 😱
comparison: the death of a spouse is ranked at a 100. That being said,
it’s important to remember this score is only measuring stress, not
emotional pain. My year was merely intensely stressful, whereas losing
someone one loves is an emotionally utterly devastating experience. And
of course, I’d pick intense stress over the loss of a loved one any
So given that I have some experience (more than I
care to have had, quite frankly!) in dealing with stress, I thought I’d
share what I’ve learned.
1. Avoid it ❌
Seriously, if you can, avoid high levels of stress
brought on by too many life changes. A number of stressful
life events can be self-initiated ones, such as taking on a mortgage to
buy a house or deciding to start a family. I’m not saying to avoid
self-initiated life changes, I’m just saying that it might make sense to
spread these out, if you can.
Of course, this is not always
possible. But if you don’t have to change everything at the same time,
don’t. When working with clients, I’d never advise them to do as I did
and to change their whole life at once.
Huge change might seem like the fastest course of action but it really isn’t.
is because you need time to integrate each change. If you proceed to
change at a slower rate, you need less integration time. A huge life
change, on the other hand, takes a long time to integrate.
2. If you can’t avoid it, have compassion for yourself 💚
If it’s not possible to avoid stress from life changes, it’s really important to be compassionate with yourself.
stress might come from positive changes (a new job in another city that
you wanted) or from tragic ones (like the death of someone you care
about). If it’s the latter, my heart goes out to you and I hope that you
get the support you need.
If it’s the former, congratulations!
Just remember that it’s okay to feel stressed out even if you wanted
the change to happen. Self-compassion is always helpful.
3. Get support 💬
support and lots of it. You may or may not need physical help (such as
help with cleaning, moving etc.) but you could likely benefit from
emotional support.
As American athlete Terrell Owens put it:
“A lot of emotional stress that people go through, some people figure out a way to handle it. They have a strong enough support system to keep going and keep moving forward. And some people, they feel like they don’t have that outlet.”
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