Do you know who you want to be this year? On our side, we've been having more insights about this.
During the last few weeks, I shared my own goals
for the year ahead as well as the ones my friend
has. (He has given me full permission to share all this with y'all.)
By openly sharing about our own process around these goals, we were hoping to inspire others to think about their own.
Now, if you’ve read my previous posts, we divided our 2019 intentions into Have, Do , and Be Goals — the things we want to have, do or be.
So, how have things been going?
Since I last saw Moe, he was looking to follow through on his Do goal of practicing Aikido, by visiting a Martial Arts Dojo.
Which he has! Yay, Moe!
And here's the proof:
During this experience, Moe remembered why he even wanted to practice Aikido in the first place.
Due to some poor life choices at an earlier age, Moe developed a herniated disc in his neck.
This impacted his confidence and led to him ‘letting go.’ He gained 33 lbs while recovering because he was afraid of hurting himself any further.
It took Moe some time to overcome the fear, and he started walking more frequently as a substitute for the sports he used to practice (Basketball and Soccer).
All that is to say that Moe realized that his Do
goal has a lot to do with his Be
He wants to be healthy, he wants to ensure that he puts the work in now, in a disciplined manner, and this is how he clarified his Be Goal.
Remember Moe just a little bit ago?
He has now clarified his Be
Goal, reinforced his Do
, and it all started with his Have
Goal, the Aikido suit he wanted. 💪
Hopefully, through Moe’s journey, you’ve seen that desires and intentions are fairly holistic, in that they ultimately manifest from what we want to Be.
Similarly, remember my own Do Goal of traveling to Southeast Asia?
I love Southeast Asia (and my not-so-little brother who happens to be working in Malaysia and whom I’d love to see more often) so I have realized that this Do goal relates to my Be Goal of being happy.
So, our question to you is:
No, really. Take a moment to think about who you want to be.
Right now, there are dozens and dozens of potential Futures Selves that you could grow into.
Some of them are fulfilled, others are unhappy. Some of them feel like they’re on the right path, while others feel trapped. Some of them feel lonely, others feel loved.
Which of your many possible Future Selves are you choosing to aspire to? It’s perhaps the most powerful choice you can make to make 2019 awesome!
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