Blog Post

3 Steps to Begin Resolving Your Big Life Problems Today

October 1, 2018
3 steps to begin resolving your big life problems today

Today, I’d like to encourage you to start resolving big life problems that are draining your energy. But first, let's consider what we're even talking about.

What are big life problems?

Basically, they are the sore spots of life, the “itches” one keeps on scratching and that somehow never get better. If you imagine yourself 2 years into the future, these problems will likely still be around, unless something huge changes.

Examples of these issues include:

  • Being in an unhealthy relationship with someone that you somehow can’t let go off, no matter how hard you try..
  • Bearing a grudge against someone for something that happened decades ago. (Here's a process that can help resolve that.)
  • Knowing that there is something one really should be doing differently in one’s life — and continuing with the same behavior.

There’s no ultimate test to tell you if something is a big issue in your life and no outside authority who can determine this for you.

But, thankfully, that’s not necessary.

You are the expert in your life.

If there are currently big unresolved issues in your life, chances are that you already know what those are. Perhaps you can even tell that you're dealing with a negative pattern that keeps on repeating itself in your life.

And, if you have ever experienced what it's like to deal with them, you probably also know about…

The impact of big life problems

Long story short, unresolved issues are distracting. They take up your time and energy. They redirect focus and attention away from your goals.

Often, having a major problem for a long time can also negatively impact one's self-esteem.

And they will continue to do all these things until they are resolved. By resolving big issues in your life, you free the energy that was previously trapped by them.

That creative energy is then available to you once again, ready to be applied elsewhere.

With all that being said, let’s move on to…

Taking action

Grab a pen and paper. 📝Then, take a moment to go through the following process.

(If you want to get the most out of this or if you're afraid of getting stuck, get the "Taking Action Worksheets" and begin by filling those out.)

  • What are 3 ongoing, unresolved issues in your life?
    These might include clutter in your house that annoys you every time you walk past it, a self-centered “friend” who drains your energy every time you meet them, guilt you feel over something that happened years ago etc.

  • Pick one issue that you would like to work on.
    For instance, perhaps you feel sad because you haven’t been in touch with a specific family member as much as you like. So, that might be the issue you want to focus on.

  • Pick one small action you can take to begin improving that issue.
    The trick here is to pick a small step. If something has been an ongoing issue in your life for a long time, chances are that you won’t be able to resolve it in a day. And, that’s really okay! Your job is not to be perfect, your job is to make a sincere effort. For instance, if you want to improve your relationship with a family member, a first step may be to give them a short phone call.

The idea💡

If you find it hard to connect to your passion or feel a sense of peace in your life, resolve big life problem that are draining your energy.

Spending time on dealing with those things may seem like a detour to you, but it will make it that much easier to build what you want to build when you’re ready.

Stay in touch:

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